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Music License Agreement

You are purchasing a non-excusive license to use any of the music in our CD library (CD Underscore®) for worldwide use in any synchronized media production. Synchronized use can include use in film, video, radio with voice-over, CD ROM, television, telephone on hold, etc. and other synchronized uses not mentioned here.

The synchronized use license includes broadcast and non-broadcast. When using our licensed music in a broadcast production, you agree to file all related music cue sheets with BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc.). The cue sheets will register the music for its performance royalties: these royalty costs are separately paid by broadcast stations to BMI. You will not be charged for these costs. You agree to provide us with a copy of any filed cue sheets.

There are no per use drop fees charged in the use of this synchronized license. You may use the music library as often as you want during the duration of the use term. The synchronized use license includes any synchronized media product you may offer for sale. This license does not include any recording, manufacturing, distribution, duplication, or sale of the music by itself to any other party, and such activities are strictly forbidden. This use license is not transferable to any other party.

The initial term of this license is for two years. You must notify CD Underscore® in writing within 30 days of expiration of any term regarding renewal or return of the library. The CD Underscore® license shall otherwise automatically renew and you will be billed for the annual renewal fee. CD Underscore® represents and warrants that it has full right and authority to make this Agreement and grant the rights granted herein.

All rights not herein specifically granted are reserved by CD Underscore® and Faulconer Productions Music. The music of CD Underscore® is protected by the United States Copyright Laws and International Copyright Law.